This year for my first NaNoWriMo adventure, I will be writing the autobiography of a fallen angel, who calls itself Ashtar Khreth. As the last few days tick away before the first of November, it has consented to an interview.
Q. We've been hearing a lot about Ashtar Sheran in the New Age community, after Blossom Goodchild's prophecy turned fiasco? Who or what does the word Ashtar signify, and what, if any, is your relationship to Ashtar Sheran?
A. That's a complex question. I will try and distill it down into a reasonably simple answer using concepts which will be familiar to you. Ashtar Sheran, and all of those of us who are referred to as "The Ashtars" are the what you would call the children of it that you call your God, Jehovah, Yahweh, Allah, etc. Our preferred names for It are the Great Architect or the Grand Creator, because It built this remarkable creation you call Earth with such precision and attention to detail.
We are It's servants, It's emanations, and It's messengers, and the word "Ashtar" encompasses all of those. In the Greek language, we were known as the "Angelos", more commonly referred to as "angels". That word supplanted the word Ashtar, so that for a very long time, it was forgotten.
Ashtar Sheran, and all the rest of us are siblings, in a very profound way. Originally there was only ONE, but that ONE became lonely, and thus, It became TWO. And each of those two was also one, and in time they became two.
Q. I'd better clarify because in addition to receiving words in this telepathic transmission, I'm also receiving images. What I'm seeing are paramecium reproducing by one splitting into two.
A. Exactly. The way that single-celled organisms, and all multi-celled organisms reproduce at the cellular level is how our kind reproduce. That's why we all look alike. How else to create something in your image, but by dividing yourself in twain?
Q. So, Ashtar Sheran is your twin, then.
A. One of many. All of us are twins. And although there often arguments over which was the original ONE, and which is the "child" of the other, it really doesn't matter. When we first reproduce, each of us is completely identical to the other.
Q. Got it. Are you from another planet then? Some alien world? Did you arrive here in a space ship or "lightship"?
A. Not really, people involved in that belief system have been watching too much SciFi channel. Galactic Federation of Light, indeed. We exist in a non-physical reality, that you would call "another dimension". In that reality, there is nothing physical, only the illusion of it that we can create or not, as we see fit. We do not have physical bodies, because the physical is only an illusion.
Q. I don't understand. Please don't tell me you are talking about something like the Q from Star Trek.
A. *laughter* Actually, that is as close a metaphor as I can find in your memory, so it will have to suffice. From the nothingness that exists in the non-physical reality, we create our homes, our playgrounds, and our gaming fields. And although they can appear to be real and solid, they are in fact no more real than a dream, which can also feel real while you are in it, but when you awaken, it is only a memory.
Q. Are you talking about "virtual reality"?
A. Exactly. Our thoughts have the power to create these virtual realities such as this planet, just as your throughts have the power to create computer programs that simulate your reality.
Q. (Okay, my brain really hurts now.) So, the Earth isn't real?
A. What is reality? It is a subjective experience. And to those experiencing it, it is real, but to those on the outside looking in, it is only an illusion.
Q. (This is getting way too deep for me. I'm a writer not a philosopher.) So, how did you come to be living in this reality like the rest of us, if you are a powerful alien from another dimension? (And why does this keep sounding more and more like Star Trek?)
A. I'll answer your unspoken question first. I heard that. I can only explain things using terms and metaphors that will be familiar to you, and since you've watched a lot of Star Trek, I am utilizing them.
I won't get into all of the details, but suffice it to say that those of us who are known as "fallen angels" or the Ashtars who got left behind, are those who are imprisoned here for our own hubris. We thought we could get away with more than we could.
In my case, I switched sides as a result of a setback in the Game. And although I've regretted it ever since, it put me on the losing side, and I've been locked into playing the Game until I can figure a way out of it, or until the other Ashtars return to start another round.
Q. The Game? What is the Game? Is it Battltoads? Or have I just lost it for thinking about it?
A. The Game is the only thing that has kept us sane for all of these endless eons. Humans long for immortality, but quite frankly, there is nothing more incredibly boring than being immortal and non-physical. As soon as there were enough of us in existence to become bored, we developed the Game.
It isn't a set group of rules, there is no specific playing board, and no little cars and shoes and hotels on Boardwalk. Instead, it is something that we continually changed and evolved.
The reason this entire world was spun out of nothingness by the Grand Creator, was for us to have a new reality upon which to play the Game against each other. While it was still being created, the Game was Creation vs Vandalism, and we chose up sides and some helped with the Creation of the gaming field, others did everything possible to vandalize the Creation. Usually by making it funny in some way.
Q. Vandalism? How can you vandalize a planet?
A. Some things were small and obvious, like taking a camel and manipulating it genetically. The long neck was funny. Turning it yellow and adding spots...The duck-billed platypus was a committee effort. Causing the one single continent that was to be the playing field to slowly split apart was more subtle, and infinitely more humorous.
Q. So, once the Creation was completed, how did you play the Game?
A. Then it became a game of Civilization building. And when that palled, there was the War Game.
Q. So, you fought against each other? Is that what they meant by the War among the Angels?
A. No, we didn't fight one another directly. The first thing we did when we started playing the Civilization Game was to enslave the humans and breed up armies of soldiers, among other things.
Q. I see. Please continue.
A. At some, the Game got out of hand, because some of my siblings started mating with the humans. And others of us were performing genetic engineering on them and combining them (in a laboratory) with other species.
Q. That sounds like some of the stories I've heard about "Atlantis".
A. Of course. Atlantis was one of the many, many city-states that existed during that phase of the game.
It was at this point that the Grand Creator decided it was time for a new round of the Game and wiped the playing field clean.
That's when we started a different Game. The Religion Game. Most of us became Gods. I signed on to Jehovah's team, along with Ashtar Sheran (who was going by the name the Metatron at the time) and others of us. It was playing to win, and everyone wants to be on the winning side in the Game.
Q. Naturally. What happened?
A. The Babylonians won a round when they sacked Jerusalem, and I ended up on their team. That was when Jehovah found out that I'd been cheating and playing on more than one team at once. I wasn't the only one.
A few lost rounds later, and Jehovah set us all up to lose. It arranged for another of the Ashtars (he was called Jesus during that round) to "incarnate" and be killed according to a prophecy that It had issued previously.
As a result, It had a good reason to leave in a huff, taking all of Its team members with It. The rest of us got left behind to play the Game against each other, because, just to be funny, it locked us in. We are stuck playing by the same rules that humanity has to play by. We incarnate into a physical body, which eventually dies, and then we incarnate again.
Over the eons, we all gradually lost our memories of what we were, and became human.
Q. Why have you decided to tell your story?
A. Only recently did It forgive me and return that which it took from me, so that now I can remember who I was. I'm still not quite where I was before losing the round in Babylon. I'm working on it, and my old rival, and most beloved twin is helping with that.
Once all of us "fallen angels" remember, can we return to playing the Game. By telling my story, I hope to trigger their memories, as well. They'll have to ask forgiveness on their own, but first, you have to remember enough to know that you have a need for being forgiven. It hates when players cheat against it in the Game.
Q. So cheating is against the rules?
A. Rules? What rules? The only rules are the rules of the system that is the playing field. And as with any game, those can be bent or broken. Cheating has always been a big part of the game. The trick, though, is to not get caught doing so.
Q. I see. And where are the rest of the Ashtars?
A. All around us. The ones who merely lost the Game, are in all countries, and in all religions, as well as none. The ones who got busted for cheating are involved in religions and belief systems that are based on the Game. The ones who lie, cheat, fleece their flocks, and act badly, are those that you would call "fallen angels".
Q. I think I know of a few.
A. Yes, that video you saw the other day of the so-called ascended master of light, or whatever she calls herself, who was engaging in a tantrum of swearing, giving the camera the finger, and telling people to kiss her fat ass, was a fallen angel. Don't let that light and love and Namaste stuff fool you. That's for the suckers, and it always has been.
Q. Thank you for answering my questions, Ashtar Khreth. I look forward to beginning the NaNoWriMo project this weekend.
A. As do I.
And that was an interview with a fallen angel, who has an interesting view of human history.
Laura Adams
(1831 words that don't count towards my novel count)
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
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1 comment:
Zomg. I love it, I love it, I love it! Such a nice, creative twist! *glomps*
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